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Some deliciousness....

The Sandbox: My New Co-Working Space

I found my new favorite place to get work done outside the office in Santa Barbara and it's called The Sandbox. Playing off the beachy vibes of Santa Barbara, this co-working space combines great design and co-working functionality. With everything being digital these days, it is so easy to grab my laptop and run down to The Sandbox for a few hours of focused productivity. I am a true believer that a simple change of scenery will unlock any creative stumps.

Check out the space:

Main Room of the Sandbox with people working
The Sandbox Central Room

Airstream Meeting Room in the Center of Sandbox
Airstream Meeting Room in the Center of Sandbox

In the middle of the main room, there is a modern Airstream trailer, outfitted with everything you could need for a productive meeting. How amazing would it be to have a meeting in an Airsream?

Airstream Meeting Room in the Center of Sandbox
Inside the Sandbox Airstream Meeting Room

You can rent meeting rooms based on their size and availability. Or just get a co-working membership and work when you need to. I highly recommend The Sandbox and if you don't believe me, take a tour!


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